For over 20 years we have specialised in producing internationally known publications addressing the most important topics in the scientific sector.
Today we are able to offer a complete range of services, from the drafting and publication of contents to reports and white papers, as well as the most important highlights of the events we organize.
This is an effective means of communication to be distributed to the medical community either in print or on-line for greater usability and easy consultation.
It is in this framework that new publications are made available, and while maintaining their scientific rigour, they try and give voice to a larger group of authors who are given a chance to present their experiences based on daily clinical practices to the scientific community.
The process leading to the production of these publications envisages the involvement of a working group of experts or specialists in a given discipline who, following debates organised as residential or virtual round tables, prepare reports that are put together and published.
You choose the destination and we will worry about all the rest. A serious approach and professionalism to ensure your business trips are a success.
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We are ISO 20121 certified, we embrace the Food for Good solidarity project and we are a Carbon Neutral company.
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